March 1, 2019

4 steps to take to get rid of birds from your blueberry farm

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Birds cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage every year to blueberry crops.1

Birds are one of the main reasons for crop damage that affects farmers negatively. In order to know how to get rid of birds from your blueberry farm effectively, there are four main steps to take.

1. Look at the number of birds on your farm and assess the damage.

Some blueberry farms can experience up to a 60% crop loss. It’s important to assess which parts of the farm have the most damage in order to learn how to get rid of birds from their farm effectively.

In a testimonial on Meduri Farms, American blueberry farmer Justin Meduri noticed: “If it is one bird – the damage is not that big, but it is all about the numbers and volume.”

2. Find out which birds are damaging your crops.

You will often see birds such as starlings, robins and blackbirds pecking at the blueberries. Classifying the type of birds will help you find out how to get rid of birds using the right solution for the right type of birds and application.

how to scare birds away

3. Find the right solution for your situation.

An effective solution used by many blueberry farmers to get rid of birds is the AVIX Autonomic Mark II. This laser deterrent technology provides 24/7 protection for crops. The AVIX Autonomic Mark ll works in the way that it takes advantage of a bird’s natural instincts by projecting a green laser beam towards the area the birds resume. The birds perceive the laser as a predator and disperse to seek safety elsewhere. This solution answers all farmers questions on how to get rid of birds by preventing bird populations by up to 70% in an agricultural application.

4. Make sure to implement the laser bird deterrent on time.

In order to see an increase in the crop yield and eliminate bird damage, it is very important to make sure you install the laser bird deterrent at your farm about 4 months before the harvest season starts. This will help get rid of birds as soon as possible, so you can have a successful harvest season.

The fruit industry struggles with birds on a regular basis, and are constantly looking for an efficient solution on how to get rid of birds. In another article about the fruit industry there is more information on how they are handling bird problems on fruit farms with the innovative laser bird repellent.

  1. Home Guides,
Bird Control Group’s automated laser bird repellent provides 24/7 protection from wild birds by shining a green laser light in the area affected by the problem. Get in touch via the form below if you are interested in learning more.
